This scene is estimated to be Ye Fan didn’t guess.

Before that, whether it was Ye Fan or Mu Wan Qing, Lin Xiao, an asshole, wouldn’t really be like that.
But at this moment, Mu Wanqing realized that he was really stupid.
Li Ruoxi cries endlessly.
Lin Xiao doesn’t seem to have succeeded yet. The slap in the face resounded through the set. Li Rexi kept shrinking back and holding the phone and turned pale
"Yin Mo, can you hear me? Please help me quickly."
V Chapter two hundred and sixty-three Those deja vu memories
In the dining room, Yin Mo’s eyelids jumped badly.
The mobile phone buzzes in my pocket.
Everything seems calm, but it seems ordinary but extraordinary like a raging sea.
"What’s the matter with you?"
To tell the truth, Ye Fan is a little uneasy now. He doesn’t know what the reason is, but his eyelids are pounding badly anyway.
"Nothing. I’ll take a message."
Yin Mo turned on the phone and there was a faint cry. He picked up the phone and looked at his face slightly changed.
The face shows that it is Li Ruoxi’s name.
"Ye Fan, I ask you again." Yin Mo didn’t hang up. He looked surly and looked at Ye Fan Ye Fan. He looked a little creepy and pulled the corners of his mouth.
"What happened?"
Ye Fan had a bad feeling.
Yin Mo frowned lightly. "I asked you where Li Re and Mu Wan Qing went and what they did, and whether you knew it or not."
"What do you mean?"
Ye Fan got up and clenched his fist tightly.
Is it really an accident?
How can he be crazy with that idiot Mu Wanqing? Lin Xiaoren doesn’t know it, but
But I’m not afraid of 10 thousand, I’m afraid of one thousand
If Lin Xiaozhen wants to do something to Li Re, how can that be?
Although Qian Mu Wanqing joked that he would take Director Yan Chen with him when he did it, Ye Fan didn’t take it to heart at that time.
Lin Xiao is a director and should also be afraid of Yin Mo.
Unless he has other helpers.
"Ye Fan"
Yin ink shouted his name Ye Fan almost never looked back and ran out. Yin ink knew something was wrong and quickly lost money to signal the little assistant to check out. He was a fast car.
"speed car"
Ye Fan went back and took the co-pilot.
The car was advancing at a high speed, and Ye Fan said in detail, "Former Li Re was looked for by Lin Xiao, saying that she wanted to discuss something with her in the evening."
"She’s stupid and you’re stupid."
Yin Mo couldn’t help growling at Lin Xiaoren. Although he had never photographed anyone to spy on him, he signed a contract with the director of the Yin chaebol. If he did something to Li Rexi, it would be a loud slap in the face of the media.
But his mood at this moment is not bad because of this.
Yin mo gritted his teeth tightly and he was worried about that woman.
That woman looks unremarkable and plain, but she just has a magic power to attract the attention of her department.
What is it?
Because Ye Fan was also very upset in the car, both of them didn’t speak, but at this moment Yin Mo suddenly asked.
"You have been urging me to pity Li Re, so what will I be with her before?"
Although I feel headache about my incomplete memory, Yin Mo doesn’t recognize him as a man who can marry a wife casually.
"What do you think it will be for?"
Ye Fan looked at him sarcastically and frowned. "If I know anything, I will ask you."
This sentence really choked Ye Fan.
"Are you a log?" Ye Fan Naikou "If two people are together, if both women and men are not good at personality, then I think there will be no difference except love."
In fact, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, but Yin Mo is worried at this moment and has no mind to pay attention to his answer.
The car turned a corner and entered the Yin chaebol garage.
The building lights are always on. Ye Fan and Yin Mo looked at each other. Two people walked directly into the ladder.
At this time, the Yin chaebol is almost nobody.
No wonder Lin Xiao chose this time to find Li Re. After all, it is more convenient for no one to see the situation and do things.
Ye Fan felt that the ink beside him was simply 100% atmospheric pressure.
I can hardly breathe myself.
Mu Wanqing struggled constantly on the set, but Dong Yue kicked her face on the ground.
"You, you bitch"
Mu Wan Qing was so angry that Dong Yue looked at her leisurely. "I asked you whether your life is more important, after all, or someone else’s life is more important. Aren’t you the daughter of Mu’s family? How come you don’t even have a composition like a wild girl?"
"I’m a wild girl, so what kind of pure blood bitch are you?"
Even this kind of swearing words have been forgotten, so it can be seen that Mu Wanqing is very angry.
But Dongyue is still looking at her leisure. Anyway, what about this woman? She doesn’t care. She has to wait until Lin Xiao pants come out and then go in and change shifts to bully.
Li Re precious little inside is almost half controlled by Lin Xiao.
She kept struggling, but she was dazzled by those slaps.
Lin Xiao’s triumphant voice kept ringing in my ears like a demon standing in this swinging room.
Combine with an experience
Why don’t you drink it? I told you to drink it. Did you hear me and didn’t give it to me?
Don’t pretend to be pure. You’ve been played by Yin Mo many times. I just want to taste something new. What are you afraid of?
Don’t you want to play the role of Jiang Hu? I’ll give it to you for Yin Mo today. If you don’t want to suffer, stop it.

This should be the third time.

Saved Naixin for the first time.
Killed Uchihiro for the second time.
The third time … is also doomed to not be peaceful.
Chu Yun has long been familiar with the hotel pattern and can no longer be familiar with it.
I happened to live there once, and there is still a room there.
But maybe it’s cleanliness. Chu Yun brought his own mattress this time.
Then I spent a day figuring out the current situation of Konoha.
Uchiha Itachi is now in charge of monitoring the Uchibo clan.
This time point is compared with that in the original book. It seems that when Chu Yun killed Uchibo, the moon and the moon were compared.
She didn’t make a lot of preparations, so she didn’t change the plot.
"So … Uchiha Shisui died … just this month."
For Uchiha Shisui, Chu Yun has no intention of living.
First, Uchiha Shisui absolutely has the power close to the film level, so it is unrealistic for Chu Yun to capture or collect its current combat power theory.
Forcing to give energy is counterproductive. Exposing identity is a small poke, and you can’t get rid of it when you are too big.
Second, Uchiha Shisui belongs to Konoha Uchiha Shisui, who is bent on reconciling the contradiction of Uchibo clan. This is unrealistic in Chu Yun’s view, and Chu Yun wants strength to be loyal to his own strength.
But … I promise is still valid. Chu Yun, the mastermind who brought down Uchihiro, will try to help him get rid of it.
Kyubi no Youko’s attack on Konoha was inspired by the contradiction of Konoha clan.
Ending Uchiha Itachi and pretending to be uchiha madara Uchiha Obito jointly slaughtered the village.
Coincidence from Uchiha Obito to Uchiha Obito?
Chu Yun is more convinced that it is a conspiracy.
In the shared vision of the dead eye, Uchiha Itachi is watching his own people through binoculars.
Chu Yun glanced at it and let the undead insect hide carefully.
Undead insects to the monitoring room is not to monitor Uchiha Itachi for this kind of hanging in Chu Yun can not avoid.
He’s coming for the monitoring system
This is the most detailed information of Konoha. The monitoring system will get twice the result with half the effort when searching for news here.
Then Chu Yun controlled several undead insects and came to Huo Ying’s residence.
Monitor the three generations of hokage?
Chu Yun is not interested in that kind of death.
He’s looking for the forbidden scroll.
That Naruto stole the scroll easily. It shouldn’t be too difficult to think about it in Chu Yun.
But Chu Yun soon discovered that the idea was naive.
Three generations of Huo Ying are worthy of being honored as a doctor of Ninjutsu.
There are too many ninja scrolls listed in front of me, and Chu Yungen can’t tell which one is the banned scroll.
However, Chu Yun is not discouraged. Now, there are still a few months before the genocide of the Uchihiro clan. He believes that during this period, he will be able to find it and then take away the bodies of the Uchihiro clan.
Tut tut so that he can continue to practice other tricks of flying Raytheon without seeing the four generations of Huoying.
Besides, Chu Yun is also interested in the metempsychosis of filth.
"Tickle …" The door opened and Chu Yun hurriedly controlled the undead insects to hide.
Chapter two hundred and twenty-one Stop water return
The moon hangs in the sky and the wind blows in the country.
Four generations of wind shadow hands crossed on the desk and one eye wrapped in gauze. "How did I arrange to check for you?"
Four masked ninjas in fengying office knelt down in front of the four generations of fengying.
"The land exchange refused to disclose the" twilight "information of the mercenary group"
"There is no one in Konoha who inherits the four generations of Naruto Pills and Flying Raytheon."
Hearing two news, the four generations of wind shadows were silent.
Can he be sure that Ninjutsu, which destroyed his eyes that day, was a spiral pill created by four generations of Huo Ying?
So he concluded that the method of the sudden departure of the group was flying Raytheon.
There is a very bold guess in his mind that four generations of Huo Ying are still alive.
In that case, the evaluation of konoha’s strength will be recalculated
Four generations of wind shadow picked up a pen and wrote on a scroll that four generations of fire shadow improperly ran to the exchange to form a mercenary group. If I report to the five-nation league, even three generations of fire shadow can’t press it.
Then throw the scroll to the dark side "give this scroll to the three generations of Konoha Huoying"
Chu Yun didn’t know that he was treated as a four-generation hokage, and he didn’t know that the four-generation wind shadow sent a letter to Konoha.
At this time, he squatted in the river and waited for Uchiha Shisui to go downstream.
Just a few minutes ago, Uchihiro gave Uchiha Itachi his other eye and threw himself into the river.
Uchiha Shisui Uchihiro clan has a strong fighting capacity. His death will inevitably cause a strong blow to Uchihiro clan, thus delaying Uchihiro clan’s mutiny plan.
"Stupid! Stupid!" Chu Yun leaned against the tree and shared his vision with a bone snake in the river.
Watching Uchiha Shisui suffocate in the water with a calm face, Chu Yun’s last thought of saving him was extinguished.
A fool who wants to die has saved his life, but he hates himself.
"You you die day can be peaceful? Seen narcissism have never seen such narcissism. "Chu Yun mumbled and waited for Uchiha Shisui at the bottom of the river to die. He commanded the undead snake to pull it and throw it in the circle of metempsychosis.
The metempsychosis array launches flesh and blood withering, which is like peeling off loess and leaking out white bones. "Teng!" Light blue soul fire lit in the head.
Chu Yun stared at the soul fire in Uchiha Shisui’s head with anticipation. Because he had the first-order strength, Uchiha Shisui was promoted to three turns and stopped this life. Will Uchiha Shisui be directly promoted to five turns when his strength reaches the second order?
The soul fire in the skull burns stronger and stronger, which is the process of transforming the soul force in flesh and blood into soul fire.
At the same time, it is also the process that the original soul world collapses and the soul is refined into the soul fire.
Chu Yun I experienced it. He looked at the soul fire jumping in the water-stop head as if he could see the water-stop soul reborn in the fire.
Soul fire changed from light blue to dark blue, and then from dark blue to lavender.
There’s no stopping. The color of the fire continues to increase
Can Uchiha Shisui really be promoted directly to 5th turn?
Is the soul of Uchihiro so abnormal?
In an instant, lavender changed into deep purple.

"gromyko reported to me that he said that a large sum of money was in the hands of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. Well … he suggested that the money be turned over to the state treasury. I want to hear your opinions … What are you going to do with the money?" Chernenko finished this sentence and his breathing became more urgent. He took out a handkerchief and covered his mouth, coughing as little as possible.

"I always think that our Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation should play a greater role in economic reform. We have obtained some data from abroad. In today’s world economic background, the pressure of slow economic growth is not unique to our country. Last year, the economies of the United States and the United Kingdom both experienced negative growth. Now, the economy of the United States is outstanding, and they are also capitalist countries. Their economic situation is improving day by day. I think this is where we should study hard!" Xie took asked unceremoniously.
"Comrade ulyanov don’t know what you think! Why don’t you tell us something … "chernenko always remembers some curiosity. When he came to Gorbachev, he would first talk about the rationality of the money staying in MOFTEC, but I didn’t expect this ulyanov to be involved in the issue of economic reform. This issue has been discussed since Khrushchev’s time, but up to now, he still hasn’t found the direction of reform. chernenko is a little curious. What is the young cadre’s opinion?
"Always remember for our MOFTEC! We are the Soviet Union to open up more markets, so that our economy can have new growth momentum. That’s how we do it. On technology, they can’t compete with the United States. They all buy ready-made patents with commercial value from the United States, but now their businesses are all over the world. Please forgive me for telling you bluntly that most of the products seized by the sea department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation are from Japan. Besides, auto parts are also from Japan. It is always remembered that we are no longer a poor agricultural country in Stalin and Lenin’s era, and it is unsustainable to rely solely on investment to drive the economy! " Xie took continued
Chernenko thought Xie took words seemed reasonable, but he still didn’t understand, so he said to Xie took, "Comrade ulyanov, can you say something specific? Why can’t we continue to stimulate our economic growth through investment? "
"Always remember that if Stalin invested in the construction of a steel plant, the production he produced might be quickly eliminated, because at that time we were scarred by war and poor, but now we ordinary people have refrigerators, televisions and washing machines in every family! Even cars are not far away! The production of our factory is no longer in short supply. Simply put, we are now in the era of consumption and upgrading. The needs of ordinary people are not necessary but high-quality civilian products! The most important consume department in China’s MOFTEC is that government department that is most capable of promoting economic reform! " Xie Liaosha replied firmly, please continue to note that we update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter 75 United Nations General Assembly
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC Xie Liaosha’s remarks. If they reach Jakovleff’s ears, they will definitely avoid some arguments. @++www * c Because Jakovleff is so knowledgeable, he always blames all the problems on the system, while businessmen like Xie Liaosha will think about what went wrong.
However, this remark was made to chernenko, who always remembered that chernenko was the same as suslov. They were the guardians of Soviet ideology and firmly believed in the superiority of the socialist system. Xie Liaosha’s remarks actually made a new exposition on economic stagnation before avoiding discussing the socialist system.
The most valuable of Xie Liaosha’s words is the rapid economic growth during Stalin’s period and the depression of the contemporary capitalist world. If there is a problem with the socialist system, then what will the Stalin era bring about an economic miracle? Similarly, if there is no problem with the capitalist system, now the western countries’ camp economy is also in trouble.
When Xie Liaosha fully expressed his opinion, chernenko couldn’t help remembering it. Then he coughed and mumbled, "What will you do if the money stays in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation?"
It took Xie Liao to understand this sentence. He said to chernenko, "Always remember that I want this money to expand the export scale and actual income of China’s automobile industry! We LADA? Wani has gradually made a market in Latin America because of its high quality, low price and high performance-to-price ratio. With this money, we can upgrade China’s automobile industry. Although the purchasing power of Latin American market is not strong, they have rich agricultural and sideline products to make up for our lack! "
"Comrade ulyanov, what should I say! Your speech today is really enlightening! I hope you can organize today’s speech into a document and give it to me! I will let the comrades of the Economic Reform Commission study hard! " Chernenko walked to come over and hold Xie took hand and said.
Gorbachev also heard Xie Liaosha’s remarks. None of these views were discussed last night. Gorbachev didn’t know how Xie Liaosha came up with it. At first glance, it seemed very reasonable. But after careful consideration, the idea of eliminating and upgrading is somewhat untenable. Now that it is time to eliminate and upgrade, why don’t manufacturers automatically adjust in the existing system? In the final analysis, it is still a system problem.
Just as Xie Liaosha wanted to go on to say something, when suddenly a worker came into the room and said to everyone, "Well, leaders always remember that their health has just recovered and they need to rest. I think that’s all for today!"
"Always remember the ownership of this fund?" Xie took eagerly pressed the answer.
"Let Comrade Gorbachev decide!" Chernenko finally said to Xie took before leaving.
Selyosha got the answer he wanted and left here with Gorbachev and Jelicin.
On the way back, in front of Gorbachev, Jelicin suddenly asked, "Selyosha, are you serious about telling the general manager all those truths?"
Selyosha replied without thinking, "Boris, these views are my humble opinion on the automobile industry."
Xie took and Jelicin first returned to the Supreme Soviet, and then their drivers picked them up separately. After returning home, Xie took a sleepless night and fell asleep.
A few days later, Xie Liaosha first received the latest order from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He will replace the first record of the Communist Youth League in Mironenko, and Mironenko will be transferred to the State Planning and Economic Commission. This is a good position. Officials who aspire to politics do not yearn for this department.
Although Xie Liaosha’s name is the first deputy record in the branch of Mirononian in the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, Xie Liaosha holds a large amount of finance, and many organizations of the Communist Youth League headquarters are established by Xie Liaosha himself. For example, the increasingly influential Youth Science, Technology and Culture Innovation Center has been established with Khodorkovsky You Liya? Young cadres in the group who have set an example like Tymoshenko have gradually discovered the third route besides the official career route and academic route, that is, doing business.
Xie Liaosha has made some flexible Communist Youth League cadres earn a lot of money through the system of youth science, technology and culture innovation center. Because Xie Liaosha now occupies an important position in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, he can easily support and cultivate the youth science, technology and culture center project with the help of the importer trade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
Now Khodorkovsky is the only Chinese manufacturer in Moscow that can legally get the latest foreign office computers, while You Liya? Tymoshenko has covered all large and medium-sized cities in Ukraine with his own video rental shops. Although these enterprises are still affiliated to the Communist Youth League or affiliated enterprises in nature, Selyosha divides the profits of these companies and the specific operators equally.
Those high-level elites of the Communist Youth League, including Mironenko, have all received a great benefit from Xie Liaosha, that is, the Moscow workers’ new city department is equipped with villas and houses, which are specially designed by Xie Liaosha to attract some children.
After the New Year holiday, this period is definitely the busiest time for the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, because there are all kinds of trade data and other information that need to be summarized and counted. The assistant minister, the head housekeeper of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, naturally has to bear the burden.
However, this year’s data is not bad. Xie Liaosha is still very confident about her first report card. In fact, Xie Liaosha can’t do anything by herself. He just needs to be assigned responsibility. Naturally, Nasjia will help her with the specific things.
The report card of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation needs to be submitted to the Central Committee and then compiled into the Soviet government work report at the last Supreme Soviet meeting of the elected government of the 26th National Congress of the CPSU, which is the first time that Selyosha has attended such a meeting.
Since the Communist Youth League belongs to a group organization and is not a functional department of the Soviet government, unless it is a national party congress, Xie Liaosha will not be able to attend the meeting at this level no matter how high he is in the Youth League Committee. Of course, he did not have the opportunity to attend the Supreme Soviet Congress on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation this time, which is regarded as Xie Liaosha’s debut.
The date of this year’s conference call was set in March, and there were only a few left. However, when all government departments in the Soviet Union had to face the annual exam, they sent an invitation to the Soviet Foreign Ministry from the United Nations Headquarters in new york, inviting gromyko to attend an extremely important international conference in new york. This invitation rekindled gromyko’s hope of remembering the whole story. Please continue to note that we will update the fastest novel network w w w.
Chapter seventy-six Economist Gaidar
_ _ _ _ Please visit the latest website to read the latest chapter of mobile phone: M CC gromyko is going to attend the United Nations global security conference, and things will soon be heard by all members of the political section. @++www * c Many people immediately turned their attention from Gorbachev to gromyko.
Before leaving, gromyko District went to the Central Hospital and specially visited General Manager chernenko. They had an hour-long conversation, and outsiders learned that.
However, this matter is beyond Xie Liaosha’s control. Xie Liaosha has more important things to do now, that is, the foreign trade bank selects several presidents who can serve as the first mate.
What is a vice president? As the president, Xie Liaosha intends to be a large financial institution among the four major banks in the Soviet Union, second only to the central bank and the foreign trade bank, which involves all aspects of the export and financing of industrial enterprises in the Soviet Union. In addition to Xie Liaosha’s emphasis on foreign financial industry, there are also some industries that need to be shouldered by people, but now these responsible persons are Mrs. Rulav Liao, and Xie Liaosha will not let them stay in the future.

How dare he hesitate again? Busy low shout: "Brother Wu, don’t wave and make a gift. At this time, the military situation is great. Let’s take a step back first."

How can you not cherish Huang taiji, who was created for him by courtesy and life?
Say that finish also ignore mangokurtai nasty crazy fled in the direction of the east main force.
Mang Gurtai sighed with chagrin, but he dared not fight again. He quickly followed Huang Taiji.
At this time, Chen Zhong in the southern corner of Shandong Province also came running hastily.
He did not encounter too fierce resistance on the eastern front and successfully captured the heads of 50 or 60 Tatars, most of whom were white armor, and several generations gained a lot.
He rushed to the front of Li Yuanqing happily and laughed: "We won the battle of Yuan Qing."
But Li Yuanqing face didn’t have much expression and pointed to the nearby body covered by his armor.
Chen Zhong just saw that Li Yuanqing didn’t wear armor and felt something was wrong, but he was too excited to care for the time being.
At this time, follow Li Yuanqing’s finger and look at Chen Zhong and stand on the spot.
A long time ago, he didn’t react and lost his hands. The heads were crazy and ran towards Zhang Pan, and tears welled up in his eyes. "Lao Zhang Lao Zhang you you …"
Li Yuanqing also don’t know what to say.
Although Chen Zhong has always been on his side, after all, he and Zhang Pan are old brothers, and he has been with Mao Wenlong since he was in Mao Wenlong.
It is human nature for comrades-in-arms to have a little conflict on weekdays, but once on the battlefield, this cohesion is imagined by ordinary people.
It took Chen Zhong a long time to return to absolute being. "Yuan Qing, what the hell is going on?"
Li Yuanqing sighed a long time and simply narrated the incident to Chen Zhong.
Chen zhong couldn’t help screaming in the face upwards. "Lao Zhang, why are you so stupid?" What! You put Yuan Qing on the ground like this! Hey! Hey! ! ! ! !”
At this time, Qinbing came to report that "the two generals have all withdrawn and Huang Taiji has joined the main force of Houjin. They seem to be advancing on our side!"
Zhong-li Chen wiped a tear at Li Yuanqing "yuanqing this matter you also don’t be too sad to rob Lao zhang’s body you have righteousness! It is not advisable to stay here for a long time. We must make a decision as soon as possible! "
Li Yuanqing also slow to come over at this moment.
Zhang Pan is dead, and Lushun Department has gone to dust. It is unwise to pester the main force of the late Jin Dynasty here again.
"Eldest brother, we have reached this goal! It would be unwise to pester again! If Huang taiji is crazy, we can’t get along! Go back and reply to the city first! "
Li Yuanqing made a decisive decision.
Chen Zhongli nodded and waved his hand and said, "Boys, withdraw!"
For a moment, a deep antlers sounded, and the mountain army quickly and hastily retreated in the direction of Fuzhou.
These antlers were captured by former Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong when they besieged Houjin camp, and they were quickly placed in the two armies for convenience.
Looking at the army in the distance, after the fire receded to the west, 8 Jin J stopped chasing and slowly retreated toward the east.
Soon the hill battlefield was quickly separated.
When Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong hurried to reply to could, it was already bright.
The auxiliary soldiers have cooked hot water to bathe the playing children, while the fire soldiers have already cooked hot broth to drive away the cold and eat for the children.
In such wet and muddy weather, it is easy for people to get sick when their feet are soaked in water for too long.
During the first world war, many soldiers who lived in trenches for a long time were exposed to rain and humidity, and their feet would be eroded and life-threatening for a long time.
This is called trench foot disease in later generations.
After 8 jin j such as Li Yuanqing natural won’t go to tube, but the army side Li Yuanqing dare not have the slightest snub.
All the soldiers involved in the war went to take a bath first and then came to the temporary canteen to eat according to the establishment.
Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong took a shower together and changed their clean clothes to the temporary canteen. Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang also hurried to catch up.
They have learned the news of Li Yuanqing’s prisoners and gifts, and they know that Li Yuanqing is bound to be more prosperous. Naturally, they will come over to congratulate and discuss the merits by the way.
"Congratulations to General Lee, Hershey Lee, the minister and the ceremony of Jin Fuzheng after he was captured. This is really an outstanding achievement! Ha ha ha … "

Yin Jun hangs his eyes and feels like an unprecedented mess. "The name of handsome young master girl is not just Yin Mo’s little call, but you are quick to say that, regardless of personal or face, and you haven’t changed it."

I don’t know whether I am angry or sad in my heart. Yin Jun holds his fist tightly and his shoulders tremble slightly.
What’s the difference between him and that bastard Yin Mo? Yin Mo always goes abroad and has been with this heartless little girl. Doesn’t he have his own?
If you dare not look up, you will look down at your toes. "Brother Inmo said that if you don’t shout so, Brother Inmo will be angry."
Don’t say this, it’s a good thing that when she said this, Yin Jun was even more angry. If she stretched out her hand and held it, if she had a slender neck, she said angrily, "What do you like about Yin Mo? It’s me, isn’t it? How long can he stay in Yin Zhai and when I’m not with you?"
If her eyes are wide open, she will be timid, and tears will drop immediately after such a roar from Yanjun.
"Master Yin Jun, what do you want?"
With this sentence holding her neck hand again, Li Yanjun was livid and shouted, "I asked you to say what you like about him, that bastard. Have you ever been in charge of you since he studied abroad?"
If you calm down after hearing it.
"Because Brother Mo is very kind to Ruo Ruo, he saved his family, but if he goes abroad to study abroad, he comes back quietly every time if he has a birthday. If he says Happy Birthday, if there will be a lot of food mailed from abroad every time, Brother Mo will call Ruo Ruo."
She said that Yin Jun slowly let go of her hand while gesticulating. "Oh, what about me? Am I not good to you?"
"Master Yin Jun is also very kind to Ruo Ruo, but" If he falters, he can’t say clearly, so he can simply and decisively preach "But if he likes Brother Mo!"
Yin Jun clenched his fists with both hands, and the little man has gradually fallen out. The sign is beautiful. If it is protected by Yin ink, his big almond eyes are full of brilliance.
Maybe such a person is not suitable for him from the beginning.
I’ve never felt so lost in my heart, even if I was teased by Master Yin, even if I couldn’t beat Yin Mo for anything, he never felt this sad feeling.
It’s so unwilling.
At four o’clock in the afternoon, Master Yin suddenly worried that when everyone came to the hall, he would hold it in ink, and if he sat on the sofa with slender fingertips and gently slid over the headrest behind him, a black V-neck shirt would make his temperament more evil.
If three or four shirts are buckled, if you lean in front of him, your face will blush.
If her side face is slightly tilted, she can touch Yin Mo’s chest and skin. The unprecedented close contact makes her blush and heartbeat.
Master Yin came up on crutches. He sat down on the sofa in the middle. Yin Jun knelt in front of him with his head down and didn’t know what was going on.
A little even the servants of Yanzhai gathered together to come over. Master Yin looked at people in place and struck the ground with a cane to face Yanjun nu way
"Oh, it’s really sinful. Do you know how many more homes are needed in this world when that hundred mu of land is burned down?"
Yanjun’s head hung low and his face was indifferent as if he were himself.
"Who are you, you son of a bitch? You always treat others as if they have made a mistake, but you still don’t repent. Didn’t you think about anything after kneeling for a day today?"
Master Yin was furious, and this situation scared the servants to look up.
If Yin Mo sat there for rest, he was too scared to go out and buried his head in Yin Mo’s arms, shivering.
After a long time, Yin Juncai slowly looked up. "What did I do wrong? I just burned hundreds of acres of their crops. Anyway, this group of people have to live on our Yin family. It’s not a problem for me to do so."
Master Yin was so angry that his hands trembled. "Hello, you still don’t repent."
V Chapter three hundred and eleven Fan meets Ye Fan Mu Wan Qing
Being caught by the skirt, she threw it in. As An Hu locked the door, she shouted in horror, "An Hu, don’t overdo it. I’ll tell the teacher."
An Hu thief laughed and stretched out his hand and pulled her belt to tie it up. "Then wait until I’m cool."
One by one, the school was taken off in despair and screamed "Don’t ask for it."
A toilet was slammed and kicked. Ye Fan came in with a low face. He grabbed An Hu’s hand and dragged him out.
"You have a lot of guts."
An Hu’s face changed. "You don’t want it, don’t you? You don’t want it and don’t let others play with her?"
Ye Fan brimming with anger at the color in her face can’t help but worry about shrinking her coat. Ye Fan turned to look at An Hu.
"If you don’t get out of here soon when I’m going to protect Le Aoqing’s name, wait for your parents to collect your body."
An Hu hit a quivering Ye Fan and raised his eyebrows coldly. "I mean it."
The corridor was quiet when the toilet was left and Ye Fan were in class.
"Are you all right?"
Ye Fan shook her head when she didn’t speak. Ye Fan tasikmalaya picked her up and turned a corner to kick the door of the clinic.
Regardless of the eyes of the people around, Ye Fan put her on the bed and pulled up the curtain. It was silly to look at the ground as if she felt the temperature of Ye Fan hugging her.
"Ye Fan, I’m scared."
"I’m here"
"Ye Fan Anhu bullied me. He hit me and touched me. Ye Fan, you don’t want me."

I haven’t called you yet. Did you look for the door first?

"Bring him in!"
Majestic sound immediately someone hurried to the door to bring Ling Tian in.
At this time, Ling Tian has changed his robe and put on a mask.
Before the birthday party in Zhang Biao, I dressed exactly the same.
At the entrance of the hall, I was just carrying Liu Mei and preparing to pass the grandmother.
Eyes fade suddenly a flash.
Ling Tian suddenly stopped Grandma.
Grandma’s face turned cold and looked at Ling Tian with a snort.
"Does the pavilion have any advice?"
Ling day carrying hand eyes with a playful mouth way
"I don’t think your wife looks like a good person."
"It’s in my eyes!"
"Make amends to me at once!"
Ling Tian’s words made grandma fly into a rage and her nose almost crooked.
"What are you!"
"Believe it or not, I killed you!"
Grandmother yin malicious looked at ling day tone malicious folded way
She is in awe of Grandpa Hua because the representatives behind him are nine small families.
What are you, a young master of hades?
Ling tianyi couldn’t help being happy when he heard this.
I’m afraid your old stuff won’t take it!
Ling day turned in the direction of the screen and said
"Master Hua, right?"
"Wait a minute. I’ll clean up this ungrateful wife."
"Catch up with you when we’re done."
Say that finish ling day directly toward the old woman brazenly.
Suddenly there was a majestic sound.
Then the terror and coercion swept through and instantly arrived at Lingtian near.
Ling day pupil suddenly shrank to reveal a full face of horror.
"How strong!"
Root to not dwell on ling day backhand a palm toward the rear.
A muffled sound is like a stormy wave!
Push, push, push!
Ling Tian’s feet are unstable and he rushes out three steps to stabilize his figure.
Slight numbness in the palm
My body and blood are impetuous and I can’t say how uncomfortable it is.
Looking back at that screen suddenly is really shocking and frightening!
Nine little families really have something!
Obviously, it was this Hua Ye who made a move just now.
Ling Tian has met many masters since the mountain came.
But it’s the first time that Master Hua is so powerful that he can repel Ling Tian!
"Hum, it’s really overreaching to dare to run wild in front of Grandpa Hua!"
Grandmother aside a full face of disdain disdain said
And the majestic sound behind the screen with a thick dissatisfaction into Ling Tian’s ears.

"The wound is not deep. It’s okay. Just be careful when you do things recently. Don’t let her see water in this area. Change the medicine every day and it will almost get better in three to five days."

The doctor obviously misunderstood that Jiang Jiang was preparing to speak when Yu Guang saw Yan Shaoqing.
Yan Shaoqing looks a little ugly.
She hurriedly called out "Brother Yan"
"Well," Yan Shaoqing frowned when he saw her near. "How did this happen?"
"Just accidentally scratched a mouth" Jiang Jiang busy way
"It’s my fault" He Jingchen took a look at Yan Shaoqing, followed by "I want to react quickly, so it’s not an accident. It’s really bad to let a girl help me catch a thief. If you don’t mind, I’ll treat you to dinner as a thank you."
Yan Shaoqing "…"
Two people glances happen to coincide to say "no"
Jiang Jiang is a little nervous. Yan Shaoqing has a black face.
He Jingchen smiled and said, "Your sister is so brave. It’s quite rare to see such a girl now."
Jiang Jiang thought, "I’m not his sister."
Yan Shaoqing said faintly at the end of his eyes, "Really?"
Be in a bad mood
He is too lazy to say more about meeting by chance. Even if he is not very happy in his heart, he can never say that Jiang Jiang is his wife in front of strangers, so he deliberately emphasizes that he is stingy.
Is he that stingy?
Of course not.
Yan Shaoqing took a look at Jiang Jiang with his lips pressed.
Jiang Jiang didn’t speak and gave him a smile to please.
He Jingchen looked at two people such interaction also didn’t think much could not help but laugh.
In my heart, they are close cousins.
After all-
Ginger looks small, her hair is short, her smile is soft and sly. What do you think is that a 19-year-old girl should be one or two years younger than him in this man with cold eyebrows and eyes?

Chen Zhong simply couldn’t keep up with Li Yuanqing’s rhythm for a long time before he reacted. "Yuan Qing, that, that, this matter must be cut the gordian knot and get things done earlier."

Li Yuanqing hey hey smile "eldest brother hinder what they like to say what the old one don’t steal two don’t rob afraid of his ball don’t worry, eldest brother I can handle this matter".
Very not easy to appease Chen Zhong Li Yuanqing this just a little sigh of relief.
For example, Chen Zhongzhen’s reputation in Li Yuanqing is a difficult one, which really becomes a sin.
Fortunately, Li Yuanqing has a long memory and directly put Abbot Huimin’s camp in the vicinity of his tent, which is personally guarded by Chen Chuang.
However, the news is like the wind with eyes flowing in the camp.
The general should have this hobby’ don’t love red makeup and love nuns’. This is really …
Although Sister Huimin has a high influence among the people, she is just a weak woman among the gentry, far from the level, and can not harm their actual interests, so they should be regarded as a joke and an affair.
Now, although the matter is getting wider and wider, it is almost impossible to get out, but it has not caused too much influence.
A flash has come to the eleventh day of the first month, and the fleet returning from Changsheng Island has arrived at the estuary smoothly, and all the ministries have boarded the ship in an orderly manner.
Although there were several waves of exploratory oppression and attacks in the future, Jin Jun was beaten back by Dongjiang’s main force and earned dozens of Tatars’ heads in vain.
After 8 Jin j saw this, I dare not mess around again. I can intimidate the army with words and actions.
However, after the Zhenjiang War, the main force of Dongjiang has grown rapidly in all aspects, and they have not shown weakness.
The morale of the army has risen, and it is hard to suppress it if you want to suppress it again.
Li Yuanqing, on the other hand, doesn’t have much to do here, except for routine patrol. More often, he is "running in" at Huimin Teacher.
The deeper you get to know Li Yuanqing, the more you find this blue-hearted woman. Her heart is far from being so cold and arrogant on her surface, but a hot one.
Although it is difficult to say that two people are together in words, in the body, they are already very smooth and there is no obstacle.
After a day and a night of busy work, the first month of the twelfth morning, the brigade and the troops boarded the ship and were ready to leave at any time.
Mao Wenlong then also took Zhang Pan, Mao Chenglu and Chen Jisheng to Li Yuanqing to see them off from two external camps.
"Yuan Qing has been working hard for almost half a year. Have a good trip."
Mao Wenlong on the ice bank patted Li Yuanqing on the shoulder and was in excellent spirits.
Li Yuanqing smiled and nodded. "So do you, Prince. You must take good care of yourself."
Mao Wenlong laughed. "Yuan Qing, don’t worry, the situation in Dongjiang is getting better and better. I have full confidence in the future with the harvest of this Zhenjiang campaign."
Li Yuanqing busy nodded with a smile.
In the absence of his history, even if the conditions in Dongjiang River are extremely bad, it is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people
But Mao Wenlong is still growing like a weed.
Especially in the fifth year of the Apocalypse, Dongjiang has been growing rapidly in large-scale and large-scale landing wars instead of relying on intelligence warfare and guerrilla warfare as before.
Even in the five and a half years of the apocalypse, the main military forces of Dongjiang Department were once forced to the area near Shenyang City.
This is also the last time that the army has been away from Shenyang since the rise of the late Jin Dynasty. In the following decades, the army has never had a chance to approach Shenyang, even Guangning City.
After some greetings, Mao Wenlong glanced around and suddenly pressed the bass to Li Yuanqing: "What’s the matter with that nun in Yuan Qing?"
"eh?" Li Yuanqing was stunned for a moment, so he gritted his teeth and said, "The guard is selfish in this matter."
Mao Wenlong couldn’t help saying something for a moment. I didn’t expect it to come true. This …
"Ah, yuanqing, what should you tell me to say about you? Wouldn’t it be a pity if your bright future was ruined by a nun? Hey! ! !”
How dare you say more than a word when you reprimand Li Yuanqing like an elder in Mao Wenlong? With his head drooping like a pupil, Mao Wenlong scolded him.
Mao Wenlong scolded for a while and knew that the words had gone too far. After all, Li Yuanqing was far from being a human being. Even with this little mistake, how could he cover up his great achievements?
"Yuan Qing, please try to clean up the court. I’ll explain it for you."
Li Yuanqing busy doing big appearance "BeiZhi thank you for your kindness, but I’m relieved to have a guard."
Li Yuanqing said so ugly Mao Wenlong one eye.
Mao Wenlong was relieved and laughed: "Yuan Qing and I still have something to say? Do you want to wipe your ass again? "
Li Yuanqing busy a smile "guard BeiZhi how dare to hide from you? BeiZhi means this BeiZhi can make amends, and the guard doesn’t want to go to Beijing to face the saint again this time in Zhenjiang … "
Mao Wenlong’s eyebrows are not wrinkled for a moment, and he has some white Li Yuanqing’s mind. Li Yuanqing doesn’t want to take the lead in this achievement.
Before I sold it to the Ministry of Tatar, it was a copy. Now in Zhenjiang, it is another copy …
But Mao Wenlong is human?
Step by step from the bottom up to now, how many storms has he experienced? How can you not white Li Yuanqing mind?
On the one hand, Li Yuanqing’s withdrawal from this award is because this nun thing is really not very nice, on the other hand, he can give most of his achievements to the generals.
Of course, there is also the key. On the one hand, Li Yuanqing’s feng Rui has gone too far in recent years, and he has to hide his sharpness for nothing.
Especially that people who migrate the whole Zhenjiang city.
Although it is of great benefit to the overall situation, it can be said that the work is greater than the country, but it is difficult to explain it in the court.
It is not unwise for Li Yuanqing to take a step back now.
The matter Li Yuanqing has said it face to face, and the Ministry has taken up so many benefits. How can Mao Wenlong not take it?
For a moment, he said slowly, "I will try my best to deal with this matter in Yuanqing, but you still have to send more letters to the court to explain it in person."
Li Yuanqing was overjoyed and said, "Thank you for your kindness."
Chapter 494 Cashews

Gu Jue’s eyes stared at her darkly, and the exhaled breath seemed to be dyed with a few silk feelings and harmony, which was hot and attractive.

"Vivian, let’s get married when we get back to A city, okay?" Gu Jue suddenly kissed her eyes gently, which was as beautiful and touching as dragonfly water.
He has always been famous for his strong self-control. Once he touched her, he couldn’t hold back his body. The most primitive impulse came running like a runaway wild horse.
He loves her, he wants her to be reckless, he wants her to be alone and he blooms.
nothing more/that’s all./nothing beyond/this only goes so far
Chapter 255 The guests are here.
"No" Su Wei a surprised consciousness will regard off to push.
It’s a strange feeling. She is very concerned about Gu Jue, but she always has an indescribable sense of resistance to him every time she is in an important position.
Being pushed off, I stumbled back a few steps, my eyes were heavy, and Su Wei’s emotions were obscure.
What the hell does she care?
"I am not" Su Wei’s heart ached.
"I know Vivian, I won’t force you." Gu never interrupted Su Wei’s mouth and smiled bitterly.
How dare he push her too hard?
This is the limit of her, and it’s hard for her to make a qualitative leap in her attitude towards him. It would be difficult if the force is too strong and they become rigid.
"Give me two months after two months." Su Wei suddenly stretched out two fingers, and her eyes were full of thoughtfully struggling. "I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer after two months."
Gu Jue’s eyes lit up
Is it two months?
He waited.
"Knock, knock, knock"
At this embarrassing moment, someone knocked at the door politely.
Su Wei Zheng Ma pulled the curtain and didn’t take a brisk walk to meet the guests.
There were five people coming, two in blue suits, two in white suits, and the other dressed casually.
But the same thing is that Su Wei felt a gentle gentleman breath in them.
Her intuition told her that it might be a big deal.
"Isn’t this Gu Er Shao?" The casual dress boss walked at the end, but he recognized the front-end Gu Jue almost at a glance.
After hearing what he said, the other four people took off their glasses and narrowed their eyes to look at them.
How could Gu Ershao be here?
Shouldn’t he stay in city A and be his prospective father?
They must be dazzled. Yeah, that’s right
"A handful of old people are still so hexagrams" Gu Jue saw through their minds at a glance and couldn’t help mumbling a few words.
Before he was a child, these uncle-level figures often hung around his father, mother and always had something to "tease" him.
He’s been upset with them for a long time. Okay
"How do young people talk? I’m a guest, and the customer is the emperor. That’s how you talk to your emperor." Casual middle-aged men smile and go to Gu Jue, just like their elders teach their younger generation a lesson.
Gu Juejie saw his one eye. "Uncle Xue, do you still have a mind to travel here? It would be a shame if you don’t even know that your company was swallowed up."
Uncle Xue is the father of brother and sister and the founder of Xue’s entertainment.
Uncle Xue was stunned for a long time, but he didn’t mind a little joke.
"I’m going to be a father, or I can’t do this." A tall and thin man in a black suit smiled and patted his shoulder with intimacy.
Gu never moves his face sideways to avoid the corners of his mouth with a hint of coldness. "Who made rumors?"
The tall and thin man turned pale when he was surprised. "Don’t talk nonsense, Mary is poor enough. Do you really want to throw Mary away?"
"The gentleman you left a Mary right a Mary is not to see the princess Zhou" Su Wei cold came along.
White teeth are beautiful and beautiful.
A few men were stunned at the moment.
Where did this fairy beauty come from?
"My wife, if you dare to covet it, you are not afraid that I will dig your eyes one by one." Gu Jue’s long arm stretched out and hugged Su Wei in his arms like an oath.
Su Wei looked at it and was relieved.
It seems that he has forgotten the embarrassment just now.
This will also save her the trouble of making up some excuses.
Chapter 256 Old acquaintance
"Your wife, your wife is not Zhou Hai." Uncle Xue suddenly looked at Su Wei in the middle of her words. He quickly covered his mouth and knew that he had made a mistake.

Her uncle was very strict with her upbringing, and she was not exaggerating at all. No one would have thought that besides her talent and knowledge, her uncle specially invited someone to teach her how to please a man.

"What want me to learn this? Is it that the women of Beiliu family are destined to be born slutty? " When she was a teenager, her face turned red, and she was very resistant to this in her heart.
"Pa" a malicious and complete slap fell heavily on her face. Li Wei reprimanded her with harsh words and looks. "Beiliu women are really born slutty, but you don’t even have this inheritance. If you want to keep your cheap life, just learn it for me."
Hehe, how sad and ironic. It takes talent to be a slut. If Li Ruoruo knows that she is a princess, where will she put her princess frame? If Liu Hongwei (Li Wei) did this in the north of West Vietnam, wouldn’t it be a crime of deceiving the monarch? However, from the day when she knew her true identity, she was a woman of Bai Beiliu family, who was not only cheap in the eyes of the world, but also worthless in the eyes of her own family.
Strict training and careful training made her graceful and graceful, and she casually showed all kinds of amorous feelings. Her waist was slender but strong. With enough chips, the men in Beiliu family couldn’t underestimate her. She stood up like a hedgehog and didn’t hurt herself. When Li Wei was going to send her to the palace as a xiunv, she resolutely refused to slap him. She smiled, "If you are not afraid that all your hard work will go up in smoke, you can just fight."
Li Wei’s hand stopped in embarrassment because the golden hairpin in her hand had resisted her throat. people fear not death was afraid of death? If this girl dies, she will lose more than she gains.
"Let’s talk it over." He softened by three points.
Hum, she won this round. If Li Ruo smiled, she slowly recovered her gold hairpin.
"If I’m not, how are you? Do you think that your father (uncle) is a four-official and your chances of marrying into the palace are slim? If you enter the palace, it will be different. Are you afraid that you will not have a bright future? " Li Wei reluctantly changed a smiling face, and it was good to be soft if it was hard.
"Father this poor yi if entered the palace with our identity to endure until the year? Isn’t the daughter’s beautiful appearance a fleeting time? " Li Re if Oriole out of the valley tactfully charming is very sweet.
"Do you want to?" Li Wei asked, did she have an idea?
"Does father believe in love at first sight?" If Li Re smiles, her fate is arranged by others before, so she won’t bother others.
●4 Cool * Craftsman) Net Yong V Jiu _% {See ◎ Xiao O said
"How do you say?" Li Wei’s eyes flashed and my heart stirred. How many years have Beiliu’s family never had such a unique woman? Hey, hey, Feng family? Elves? Do you know that there is another extraordinary woman in Beiliu’s family?
"Father said that this is good?" If Li Re whispered in Li Wei’s ear, how many accidental appearances in the real world are inevitable results, and God’s will makes it better to rely on yourself if heaven refuses to favor him.
Li Wei listened carefully and nodded, and finally she laughed her eyes out. Her idea was much higher than she planned. This natural thing is definitely twice the result with half the effort.
"If there is no way for me to make this policy, since you already have a plan in your heart, just do as you say." Li Dadu said that it seems that he didn’t take it to heart just now
"Thank you for your father’s success." Li Ruore said with a smile that she didn’t want to be arranged by people for everything. Life is still a long way to go. It’s not good to be at the mercy of others!
"If you are sure?" Li Wei not trust asked.
"The father wants to tell his daughter that she is absolutely sure when she is sure," Li Ruoruo replied confidently.
Well, Li Wei nodded her head. If Li Re is like a budding flower, her fragrance is enough to attract men’s eyes. I have to admit that Beiliu’s blood is still good enough. The daughters born are all as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade, but who makes their lives not good enough? No matter whether the curse is true or not, Beiliu’s family has been able to bear the failure again. He gave up his comfortable life and lived in this foreign country alone. Isn’t it that Beiliu’s family can make a comeback one day?
"If if you succeed, never forget whose blood you left behind." Li Wei asked with a cold eye. This girl is too calculating and assertive. Can she be controlled by him in the future?
"If you know you won’t forget," Li Ruore also replied clearly, how could she forget? How much pain did this name bring her?
Chapter 157 Conspiracy or conspiracy
Things were as designed by Li Re-ruo. On her way home from the temple, she was disturbed by the disciples and collided with the proud guards of the nangongshan by mistake.
Her small appearance of silence caused the nangongshan proud to pity her eyelashes with tears hanging from her eyes, and easily soaked the sentimental pear flower with rain. The nangongshan proud tunnel "The ancients honestly didn’t bully me" Zhou Youwang asked for a compliment and a smile, but if he saw this timid and charming, would he think that the tears of beauty would be more touching?
"I’m really sorry for this gentleman," said Li Re-ruo, who was alone there in shock.
Public? The nangongshan proud heart, he was the first time I heard someone call him that.
"Can I help you?" The nangongshan ao corners of the mouth with a faint smile funny.
"No, my daughter has been grateful for taking refuge for a while." If Li Re’s beautiful eyes swept the pride of the nangongshan, she hurried away like a frightened deer.
"Hum, this imperial city is full of heavenly feet. Is it rampant?" The nangongshan is full of indignation and righteousness.
"A look at the male is a good man" Li Re if raised his head a face of finals.
You can see this, too? The nangongshan proud "poof" just laughed out. Is there such a simple and lovely girl in this world?
"But I don’t know where miss lives? Who is the surname? " The nangongshan ao is in a good mood when he comes back from hunting. Do you want to talk to this woman more intentionally?
"My daughter lives in the city. My name is Li Ruoruo." The more she speaks, the less shy she is.
"Li?" The nangongshan ao fingers on the forehead for a while, this name is rare. He vaguely remembers that an official in the ritual department seems to be surnamed Li.
"Miss Palace also happens to be going back to the city. If you don’t mind, why don’t you escort a ride? "The nangongshan proud said with a smile.
"But all my family members are gone." She looked back and forth for a moment and seemed a little anxious.
"That villain is coveting the beauty of the young lady, which won’t hurt the servant girl and the servant girl." The nangongshan proudly spoke consolingly.
"Are they really going to be okay?" Li Re asked if he believed it or not.
"Rest assured that it will be dark if we delay any longer." The nangongshan proudly looked at the sky and woke up.
"That’s the trouble." If Li Re is grateful and nai says yes, if it’s dark, how can she go back alone?
"Miss can ride a horse?" The nangongshan ao frowned. He came out to hunt, and his entourage were all good at volley. Warriors had extra horses, but he couldn’t find a car for her.
"I won’t," she said abruptly.